It might seems obvious that you need WebDesign knowledge to be a web designer, but what exactly does that mean? Well, web design is actually a subset of the larger field of visual design, so it makes sense to start there. Let’s take a look at the web design requirements.
WebDesign requirements are what determine the look and feel of a site. They can range from proportions, to typography, to grid systems, to color theory. Learning visual design means creating mood boards and type hierarchy and experimenting with web fonts and color palettes.
HTML WebDesign Requirements
You might not have imagined that a WebDesigner would need to know how to code, but this is a web design requirement. But nowadays it’s an expected skill for most design jobs. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, which is the coding language used to put content on a web page and give it structure. That means it’s how you turn a bunch of words into headlines, paragraphs, and footers. And it’s also how you get the “cool” content like photos, videos, and graphics on a website.
Mock-ups for WebDesign
Thirdly, a mock-up in terms of WebDesign is a document showing how you want that page of the website to be laid out. We receive mock-ups from clients in many forms. Some are more sophisticated than others. But it is an integral part of the preparation process of website design. Without a mock-up. It’s very difficult to get a clear idea of how you want your content displayed on each page. There are a whole variety of formats in which a WebDesign mock-up can be provided to us. You can provide hand-drawn mock-ups to us. Or you can go to the other end of the spectrum with this process. And provide wire-frames showing each page of your website.
Maintaining Results – Digital Ink is Never Dry
Lastly, once the site is launched, enhancements will likely happen to meet business changes and constantly improve the website. Our web strategists will stay in touch with you to discuss your bigger plans, and once a plan is executed, new WebDesign requirements will be considered for development.
Do check us out for more information at SuperInk.