What is web design for SME?
SME stands for Small-medium enterprise, they are businesses whose personnel falls under the expected number.
Web design for SME offers different services so as to help the companies achieve a good website that is user-friendly using license-free top quality services framework like WordPress.
What are some services offer to SME?
- Graphic design
They usually offer logo designing that are attractive and memorable, branding, promotional material that can attract more customers as well as menu and layout design.
- Domain names
Having a domain name is very important so that people can find your business website on the internet.
- Digital marketing
Great digital marketing strategy is the core and driving force of any digital campaign, built to attain marketing and organizational goals.
They also offer a different type of digital marketing services to suit your business needs such as social media, email marketing, SEO, directories and google ads.
How to design a good website for SME?
Web designers must consider designing a website that is clear, understanding and easy for customers to navigate. They also have to know how to design a website that will keep the business going.
Some companies that just started on their business may not have enough budget to create a nice website, web designers have to make sure that they only can design what’s within the customer’s budget.

Just started your own company? Want to find someone that can design your website with high-quality services but have a limited budget? Here in SuperInk Pte Ltd, we offer all sorts of services at different pricing, if you wish to check out our website, click here for more info.
Else, you may visit us at
120 Hillview Avenue
Singapore 669594
Or contact us via for a quote:
Tel no: +65 9069 5600
Email: Sales@superink.com.sg