Web design is a very broad topic. There are many branches that leads out to this topic. There are e-Commerce designs, corporate designs, one-pager designs, portfolio designs and so much more. Web designing requires planning and building of wire-frames to ensure that the client knows what they are expecting before executing building of the website.
There are basic layouts to any web design. There are header, body and footer. Header is where the important elements of a website is placed at such as the company’s name, the navigation menu and also to show users that they are at the top of the page.
Then there is the body in web design, where the main bulk of the content is placed in. There are many things that can be placed in the body such as images, videos and even games. However for basic websites, it is where user will find the information that they are looking for. The body too can be used to include links and also a navigation bar at the side as compared to the header. This makes it easier for the user to navigation through the website without having to scroll back up to the top to find the navigation menu.
And lastly in web design, there is the footer. The footer is used to place the most valuable links or information for the user to click to or see after the finished scrolling the web page. Footers are where content such as the navigation menu is placed. It is done so in order to allow users to navigate the website without having to scroll for the menu. It is also where most company’s or web content creator would put their information such as their “Contact us”. This is a way for the company to be more engaging with the users. Social media links are also a way for company to be engaging with users. It encourages them to go the the social media website by clicking on the social media icons.
For more information on web design, visit our main website here.