SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. But how do you optimize your content for SEO, and what “ranking factors” actually matter? To answer that, we first need to understand how search engines work.

How Search Engine Works

Search engines are like libraries for the digital age. Instead of storing copies of books, they store copies of web pages. When you type a query into a search engine, it looks through all the pages in its index and tries to return the most relevant results.

How SEO Works

SEO works by demonstrating to search engines that your content is the best result for the topic at hand. This is because all search engines have the same goal: To show the best, most relevant results to their users.

Customers and keywords

Before you start to dive into the nitty gritty of title tags and HTML, it’s important not to skip an important step in SEO: Customer and keyword research. Here’s where you figure out what your customers search for… and the exact words and phrases they use to search. That way, you can rank your site for things that your customers search for every day.

On-Page SEO Basics

On-page SEO is making sure Google can find your web pages so they can show them in the search results. It also involves having relevant, detailed, and useful content to the search phrases you’re trying to show up for. However, if you page is running on w=WordPress it is highly encouraged to use Yoast SEO Plugin.

In Conclusion

Knowing how SEO works and the attributes they’re looking for when ranking content is crucial when trying to create content that ranks.

That said, search engine algorithms change all the time and there’s no guarantee that what’s important today will still be important next year. Do check us out on SuperInk for more information.