Website analysis tools is tool that help web owner to optimize their website. Optimization helps a website to improve the search ranking and drive website traffic. If your business profit is dependent on internet sales, you need to ensure website is highly visible.
All search engines like Google and Bing has its own algorithm to judge the relevancy of content with searching item. The algorithm allows searchers to browse their solution quickly by ranking the relevancy. This also helps the web owners to gain quality traffic.
There are plenty of tools that is available online, some are free and some has to pay. Here are some website analysis tools that you can find.
1.Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a analysis tool that is launch since 2005. This is a mostly use website analysis tools to increase quality and quantity of traffic. According to research, Google Analytics is used by nearly 60% of the website. In addition, it also provides mobile version for the convenience of users.
2.Google PageSpeed

Google pagespeed is another analysis tool that is from Google since 2010. Unlike of Google Analytics, this tool focuses on increasing the page speed. It is a package tools that helps website to meet and stay in compliance with the company’s Web Performance Best Practices. Firstly, google pagespeed will test the ability of website to see if it meets the rules below.
- avoid redirects of your landing page
- make improvements to the response time of your server
- leverage the caching of the browser
- remove data that is unnecessary or redundant
- image optimization
- CSS delivery optimization
- prioritize visible content

WooRank is a Google Chrome extension that analyze on SEO and website review. This is simple and easy to use trackers that gives website owners of optimization and link findings to marketing data. Moreover, the paid version for WooRank provides top on search ranking according to the analysis.
For more information, browse here.