Title stands an important role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This is because title tells the readers and crawlers what type of contents you are providing. Crawler is the algorithm in Search Engines to find the contents that relate to visitor’s question. It prioritize pages and contents based many factors. This title becomes a very important signal for this.

What is page Title?

Page Title is the HTML element that in the <head> section of HTML code.

SuperInk Website in Google Search Engine

In this scenario, the sentence highlighted in purple and underlined is the title of this web page. In the HTML code, you will see it as:

<head> <title>Your Title</title> </head>

This title can appear in different platforms, such as social media posts, search engine and browser tabs.

Important of SEO page title

Page title is important because it tells the reader the web page content before they accessing the link. A good page title tells the reader what is exactly in the contents. Moreover, it also helps Search Engine to determine the relevancy of the web page as a result in a search query. Steady and slowly, you will gain quality traffic with the right readers reading your page.

Page title best practices


The title length should not be too long or too short, it should have an estimate of 50 to 60 characters. Although Google never say that title should be length like this, this in case that they cut off your title in the middle.

In this case, the title is being cut off in the middle. It resulted in reader could not know the full content of the web page. STAY AWAY from capital letter to avoid them from taking spaces. If you are unsure of your page Title, you can use YOAST SEO as a guide.


Keywords is critical in page title, without the right keywords, reader will be confused with your web content. Put the most relevant and desired keywords that you wish to rank for, but do not overused of keywords.

Unique title

A unique title can helps you stand out from other similar web page. This is because if you have the same title with other web page, you will be fighting against them in organic search ranking. With unique keywords, you can easily rank at the front page in search engine.